Sunday, May 22, 2011

Facial Overbuild

By Deb Crowley

Why would anyone want to purchase a facial exercise program that is incapable of allowing a muscle to overbuild?

I continue to read how FlexEffect can overbuild areas of the face, like that is something negative about the program.

When a facial exercise program says their exercises build muscle, and at the same time claims 'you won’t have to worry about overbuild' they are actually selling Toning exercises... Certainly nothing wrong with that. But, you should know that FlexEffect not only claims the ability to overbuild but it also allows for simple tone if that is what you are looking for.

With Facialbuilding, overbuild happens when a person first reaches the size of the muscle he would normally want, yet continues to build because he has not yet reached the look he is trying to achieve. Naturally, this can be bothersome but in no time the novice catches on (studying his book / help from on-line trainers and fellow flexers.)

To get the look, the trainee needs variants.

You need as much material as you can get, and, ALL the various techniques used to address each and every muscle, and, the know how to put it all together. This you will find in FlexEffect as you should with any reputable training program.

Just like bodybuilding, it is truly a science (getting to know your muscle makeup and what it takes to get where up want to be)

Example. A bicep curl done with a certain amount of weight will either tone the bicep or, if you want, go beyond tone and build as much size as you are capable of.

How do variants play into training a bicep? Depending upon your technique You can either ‘build the center’ of the bicep and peak it, or, build a longer looking bicep by building the bicep up toward the shoulder all-the-while controlling the size of the muscle. This is true building... the means to get exactly what you want.

So yes, FlexEffect does have the ability to overbuild which is TRUE building hence the word Facialbuilding.

BTW Anyone starting out with toning exercises (small amount of resistance) and will actually stick with it, will, with out doubt, want to advance in their training.

deb ;)