Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Part 2: Incorporating Advanced Techniques in your Flexeffect Routine

By Sean Cochrane

If you have not read Part 1 of this article, check it out here!

After the first 3-6 months, and for some, even a year of training, most of the muscle groups will have developed and increased in strength and then comes the opportunity to use the advanced disciplines like Pressure Reps, Jolting and Cross Stretching. There’s been some confusion over these which I’ll try to clear up for you. Most importantly you do NOT have to do them all at once. Many people think because they’re advanced that they have to be done altogether – and the truth is this is incorrect.

At the year mark (and sometimes earlier), you probably will have gotten your muscles developed to the stage where you just want to maintain them without going after growth, so you’ll be able to cut back on the routine from exercising 5 times a week to perhaps only exercising 2 or 3 times a week. I tend to advise people when they do cut back to enable extra rest days in between workouts so that they can introduce the advanced techniques slowly and in parts in very much the same way you started out learning the resistance exercises.

An Example schedule would be:

Day 1: Pressure Reps
Day 2: Resistance Exercises
Day 3: Jolting
Day 4: Resistance Exercises
Day 5: Cross Stretching
Days 6 & 7: Total Rest

The advanced techniques will (as you have noticed from the DVD">) take only a matter of a few minutes but no where near to the same degree of time you spent on your resistance exercises. Not only that, but if you wanted you could even divide up your advanced techniques, so for example doing the forehead scalp one day, the mid face 2 days later, the lower face and neck another 2 days later and so fourth. The combinations are endless.

People who attempt to do everything in one sitting are doing way more than necessary. It's impossible to keep that level of focus, concentration and effort up for everything, especially day in and day out. The the mind gets bored, your hands and fingers are working out hard and can get tired. Your face is also taking a huge workout. Its not going to get you faster results, in fact in reality you may even slow your results. Your tissues need down time to rest.

The 3rd edition of Flexeffect has been designed as a toolbox to enable you to have tools for dealing with any aging concern. Like any well-stocked tool box you will not need every single tool every time you open the box. You will assess the job at hand. And select the tools you need.

Remember to set aside time for your workout so that you do not have to rush and cut corners, because believe me when I say if you cut corners – you will cut your results too. Flexeffect is continuously refining, expanding and updating methods and techniques. And while we believe we have a pretty awesome bunch of tools already, as the years roll by you can expect more. Make sure you visit the forum for any updates